When working at a job that requires the use of a ladder at any point, it is important to understand ladder safety.
Unfortunately, the improper use of a ladder of any height for any job could potentially lead to an accident that causes serious injury, or worse.
Improper use of ladders
The CDC discusses occupational ladder falls. Many of these falls happen due to the improper use of ladders, either because of personal risks workers take or because management does not properly describe the dangers associated with such an act.
Using ladders improperly, such as stepping onto the top platform or not having someone to secure it from the bottom, can lead to falls of up to a floor or even more depending on the ladder’s height. This can cause broken bones, concussions or other high impact injuries.
Short ladder injury risks
Even shorter ladder falls can still lead to the same problems, albeit usually at a lower level of severity. Many back injuries happen due to these kinds of falls, too, and back injuries and pain make up the biggest reason why workers call out of work across the country.
Short ladders may even cause more problems simply due to the fact that workers tend to use them more recklessly, thinking they are safe from major damage due to their height.
Many of the injuries associated with ladder falls are easy to circumvent by simply using ladders in the safe and recommended way. This is why it is so important to make sure all workers have access to this safety training, so they know how to lower their risks of falling.