Staying safe while on the job is essential. When an injury occurs, you can lose your income, your health and your ability to return to work. If you are a warehouse worker, it is especially important that you protect yourself from harm.
According to the California Department of Industrial Relations, there were 422 work-related deaths in the state in 2018. If you want to keep yourself safe and avoid a heartbreaking situation, consider the following tips.
1. Use proper lifting techniques
If your warehouse job requires you to lift heavy boxes or products, and many do, it is important to use proper lifting techniques. Not doing so can cause back injuries.
2. Wear all provided personal protection equipment
If your employer provides you with a hardhat, safety glasses, earplugs, gloves, etc., be sure to always wear the gear. If your employer does not provide you with adequate safety equipment, wear your own and take your concerns to your manager.
3. Learn and remember safety procedures
All warehouses should have emergency safety procedures in place. If you have not already, take the time to read through and understand all the procedures and what you need to do in order to stay safe in such situations.
4. Report problems to OSHA
If you notice unsafe conditions or problems that you believe could lead to injury, report those issues to OSHA. You will protect yourself as well as your coworkers if you are willing to draw attention to potential safety hazards.
Getting injured at a warehouse job does not have to be inevitable. Following these and other safety tips can keep you safe on the job.