One of the biggest problems outdoor workers have to contend with in California is the heat. The humidity really isn’t a problem but the heat of the summer sun can cause a lot of health issues, including heat exhaustion. There are a few precautions you can take if scheduled to work outdoors for your employer so you don’t wind up in the hospital due to heat exhaustion.
Be sure to hydrate prior to working outside. You should drink no less than 16 ounces before heading outdoors for your job. While out there, you should drink eight ounces every 20 minutes or so to keep your body hydrated.
Do not wear a hat when working outside. Many people do in order to keep the sun off their face but this actually prevents the heat from leaving your body through your head. Apply sunscreen every couple of hours to prevent sunburn and sun poisoning.
If you don’t feel the need to drink water every 20 minutes, you should switch to flavored water. Plain water quenches your thirst very quickly. Flavored water does not, which is why people need to drink more of it to stay hydrated.
Make sure you take the breaks that your employer gives you. Take a break every hour, even if it’s just for five minutes, to sit in the shade and energize yourself. Take a break for lunch too. When you break for lunch, you should eat in an air-conditioned truck or building.
Suffering from heat exhaustion is no fun. You will need to be given a lot of fluids in the hospital and will likely miss time at work as you recover. Make sure you follow the tips outlined here so that you do not find yourself passed out due to the heat.