Construction accidents happen every day in California. While most do not result in serious injury, some do. These tragic events can leave a worker with catastrophic injuries that prevent him or her from being able to perform normal job duties and earn a living. Even worse, the medical bills connected with these kinds of incidents can be astronomical.
Fortunately, this is where a workers’ compensation claim can be very helpful. If an injured construction worker successfully navigates a claim for workers’ compensation benefits, he or she can receive money to pay for medical care, lost wages and more. Workers’ compensation serves as a veritable lifeline of support for a worker and his or her family while the worker is recovering.
The successful navigation of a workers’ compensation claim may be more difficult than it immediately appears. Sometimes, construction accidents are very complicated and include a variety of issues, like occupational safety standards, engineering problems, determinations of liability and indemnity, and questions relating to which employer is responsible for the worker. Construction sites often have a lot of different employers onsite, including the construction site owner, prime contractors, subcontractors, architects and engineers. Determining which employer is responsible for the medical bills and lost income of an injured worker may require the assistance of an attorney.
California residents can pursue a workers’ compensation matter without the assistance of an attorney; however, these matters are not entirely straightforward in all cases. An attorney can help individual evaluate whether he or she was awarded the level of benefits that he or she deserves. An attorney can also be very helpful in the event that a workers’ compensation claim is denied.
Source: Law Office of Rockwell Kelly & Duarte LLP, “Construction Workers’ Accidents,” accessed July 15, 2016